Enero Solutions at a Biomass Boiler Workshop in São Paulo, Brazil

Enero Solutions are heading to Brazil to participate in the first Biomass Boiler Workshop of 2024, in partnership with Jansen Combustion and Boiler Technologies. The workshop will take place in São Paulo on March 13 and 14.

This event is a unique opportunity to discuss the latest technological advancements and upgrades designed to enhance the operational performance, combustion capacity, thermal efficiency, and fuel economy of biomass boilers and other solid fuel boilers.

About the workshop:

This biomass workshop brings together presentations on new technological developments designed to improve the operational efficiency, biomass combustion capacity (including wood waste, bark, monopolized fuel, chips, pellets, bagasse, agricultural waste), as well as the efficiency, stability, emission performance, and fuel economy of biomass boilers (and other solid fuel boilers). Participants have the opportunity to explore the latest modernization technologies for biomass boilers and associated equipment while observing how other factories address their boiler issues.

The workshop targets operational and technical professionals from the pulp and paper industry, independent power producers, the energy sector, and waste-to-energy industries to learn more about the numerous optimization topics that can be enhanced in their facilities.

Alongside Enero Solutions, leading experts are taking part in this event

Our President, Benoit Janvier, is joining the industry leaders from both North America and South America to discuss the operation, optimization and improvement of biomass boilers. Including:

  • Jansen Combustion and Boiler Technologies (https://www.jansenboiler.com/)
  • ProcessBarron (https://processbarron.com/)
  • Heat Management (https://heatmanage.com/)
  • Detroit Stoker Company (https://www.detroitstoker.com/)
  • Fornax Services (http://thefornax.com/)
  • iBase (https://www.ibase.com.tw/)
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